4 tips to improve your child’s posture -Physiotherapist Shaili Gala

Hey everyone!

I am Shaili Gala, a certified Physiotherapist & Fitness trainer. People often ask me how I am able to maintain an upright posture and have such a strong back. My first advice to them is always – start young. Right from an early age we are used to heavy bag packs, slouching in front of the TV, dropping shoulders while sitting to study etc. Studies show, that prolonged slouching in kids can adversely affect their mental health, life span, hormones, lung function, and many other disorders.

And so, for all the parents out there – here are 4 quick tips from me to help improve your kid’s posture & strengthen their back.

Tip #1: Practice this simple kid-yoga every day

The Flying superman yoga – This is one of the easiest exercises that can help your kid’s posture in a fun way. Here’s how your kid can practice the flying exercise:

  • Lie on a straight surface, facing the floor
  • Extend your arms forward over your head as far straight as possible
  • At the same time, lift your legs over the ground and straighten the legs farther
  • At this point, your arms and legs knees down should be elevated from the floor
  • Hold this position for 5-10 seconds and release
  • Practice at least 10 times and increase the number gradually

Tip #2: Invest in a dedicated desk for homework, meals etc.

Keep a dedicated desk or table ready for your kids to study or do homework on. Ensure that they have the back against an erect chain or wall with the desk at eye level for them to study, write, eat, or work on a device.

For instance, this personalized foldable wooden table by Zooboo can help your kids. You can adjust the desk to any angle. It can be folded and stored anywhere easily. Personalize it with your kids name and design here at 20% off & Free shipping.

Tip #3: Try to get exposure to Vitamin D

Vitamin D has been proven to be a very good agent in maintaining back health. Try to allow kids to play in the morning sun over the weekends or holidays whenever possible.

Tip #4: Correct their bag pack

An over-sized or overly heavy bag is definitely not going to help in improving your child’s posture. It is important to give your kid the correct size and weight as per their body, height and age. So try to lighten their bag load if you find them slouching while carrying it.

A light bag like this Drawstring Bag is ideal for classes or tuitions where they can carry just the essentials.

Hope you all benefited from these 4 quick tips. You can always try to practice more stretching exercises and kid-yoga every evening or over the weekends to help your kids build a strong back.

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