What is a phobia?
Fear is a normal reaction to a threat while a phobia leads to a fear response even when you’re not in danger. In general, Fear is characterized by mild to moderate (sometimes reasonably high) anxiety while phobia is distinguished by a very high anxiety level.
Is it common?
According to Rochester Medical Center, ‘All children have fears at some point in their life.’ When untreated, phobias can become a lifelong issue. So treatment is important.
What can we do to help kids tackle them?
The URMC Encyclopaedia says that kids may need Individual or cognitive behavioural therapy as well as Family therapy. Parents play a vital role in any treatment process.
You can start early by addressing this topic through BOOKS. Zooboo’s personalized story book ‘Slays the fear monster’ is a great first step in helping kids understand their phobias. Authored by renowned clinical psychologist, Dr. Nisha Vidyasagar – this book beautifully shows us 6 handy tips to tackle fears in kids with engaging illustrations.
Discover 6 tips shared in this book:
#1 Talk to someone
Kids should be encouraged to talk to someone they trust like parents, grandparents, siblings and first family. No matter how small or irrational their fear might seem, as parents we must not ridicule them. Acknowledge their anxiety and be there for them as they try to cope.
#2 Positive affirmations
Repeating positive affirmations like “I am strong, I am capable, I am brave etc.” and other such phrases pertaining to their particular phobia helps. It makes kids feel confident and they are mentally better placed when faced by the said fear.
#3 Deep breaths
A great calming technique (even for adults!) is concentrating on your breath. This book talks about a simple technique for kids. They try to imagine a flower on their palm and try to take in its fragrance by breathing deeply and slowly.
#4 Draw & tear up your fear
Dr. Nisha says that kids can try to draw their fear on paper. Followed by tearing it up and throwing it away. This symbolic act can help little kids towards mental confidence of overpowering their fear.
#5 Hugs help too
Simple touch of hand or a hug can help your child feel momentarily safe and secure. It soothes their mind and they feel self-assured
#6 Trial & error
Whatever course of treatment you take – whether it’s cognitive therapy, family therapy, just talking to your child, letting them draw it out or repeating affirmations – a trial of facing their fear and trying to cope with it will help. They can practically apply these tricks (in your presence) and feel more confident. Eventually, a trial and error method helps them put their learning to test.
Deep breathing helps kids calm down Fears and phobias are common in all kids They can be real fears or imaginary like ‘monster under the bed’ Hugging helps kids feel self assured & safe
We hope that these tips were helpful to you. If you’re looking for a personalized book like ‘Slays the fear monster‘ for your kids, or want to gift one to someone you know – head to the website and personalize this book right away!
Personalize the cover + story with your kids name Pick from girl/boy character as well